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Day One

The sky was black, the air was crisp and the energy was high as 27 of our students and 5 staff members met at Sydney’s Kingsford Smith Airport this morning to embark on the 2019 Service Trip. Everyone was at the airport by 5:00am for a 7:55am flight to Cambodia via Singapore.

Most of the morning, prior to boarding their initial flight, consisted of different mathematical calculations. The first, calculating (or speculating) about how much each person’s bag weighed and then attempting to balance their weight with a friend. This was closely followed by the calculations of how much phone battery they would need to conserve in order to last the day’s travels. Finally, the team refined their counting skills… a few times… as they became increasingly familiar with their new counting-off roll system.

McDonalds faithfully served the team by proving most of the staff and students with much-needed coffee and breakfast before departure. Lachlan Greentree also played his part in serving the team by providing everyone with small lolly bags for the flight. With the help of that sugar hit and the in-flight entertainment, the first leg of the journey went quickly and smoothly. The 7.5hour flight flew by (no pun intended) and, before we knew it, we had landed in Singapore.

Unfortunately, that was the easy part of the trip. The flight from Singapore to Phnom Penh was delayed by almost an hour and, after eventually boarding the plane, we were asked to disembark and wait further for some communication errors to be fixed. By this point we were all exhausted but the students did not let that show and were patient, kind and gracious throughout the whole process.

The plane eventually took off safely at about 6:30pm Singapore time and we landed safely in Phnom Penh just before 8:00pm. We travelled by bus to our new home for the stay: The Royal Frangipani. The staff were kind enough to cook us dinner, despite the late arrival, and most people ended the day with a reminder of home with a meal of pizza or spaghetti bolognaise.

Finishing dinner at around 10pm, it’s safe to say, we were all exhausted. Everyone went to bed quite quickly after dinner in order to prepare themselves for tomorrow. Despite the challenges, the day was successful with God providing safety for the team and some opportunities to bond together as a group.

Tomorrow we head to the Tabitha Foundation, Tuol Sleng and the killing fields, finishing with a cruise in the afternoon and dinner together. Please pray for us as we continue, that we would have ongoing safety and continued energy for the action-packed days ahead.


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